God is changing hearts in South Asia

Paul, our partner in South Asia, is a light in the darkness as COVID cases and the effects of the pandemic worsen in his country. He is not worried because of the opportunities God has given him to preach the Gospel. 

August was a great month for ministry in his neighborhood though many people have been infected with the virus. His church is surrounded by about 15 homes that were infected with COVID, but God protected Paul and his family from it. The church was able to be a lighthouse for the community, and God brought people to their literal doorstep to minister to them. 

Paul reported that hospitals are no longer admitting patients that are infected with COVID. They are telling people to stay home and are not given any medications to help. Those who are infected are excommunicated, and no one will visit them due to the fear and stigma around COVID. Paul has blessed those in his community by bringing food and basic medications, and he prays with them and encourages them. 

Paul said God is bringing opportunities in the midst of the sickness to show real love and the Gospel to others. Paul said that many people used to think that Christians weren’t for them, but now they are seeing that’s not true. The Christians are the ones providing the food, prayers, medications, and reaching out to others. Those who used to turn their faces at the Christians are now smiling at them!

Sadly, Paul’s neighbor passed away on Sunday from COVID. The day before he passed, Paul was able to share the Gospel with this man and pray for him. No one wanted to come to the funeral because of the fear of COVID, but Paul was there to help. 

Paul is encouraged because COVID is allowing him more ministry opportunities to work with needy people. They had about 70 more people join the church, and the ministers are all working actively in their communities sharing the Gospel and using CHE (Community Health Evangelism) material which is, in turn, drawing more people into the church. 

Last month, Paul helped around 80 families. Little by little, he is able to share the Gospel after giving them food. 

Paul offered a two-day minister’s training in August. Many leaders live in remote areas with poor internet connection and would travel over 80 kilometers just to get a connection! 

Paul continues to trust that God is in control and making everything for our good. He wants to do more to reach others in September. Please pray for their health as he is caring for 30 children in his home. He asked for prayer for the children as well because they were very afraid after the neighbor died from COVID. Continue to pray for the ministers in remote, tribal villages. Many are suffering from a virus and fever (typhoid/malaria) that is not related to COVID. 

We are encouraged by Paul’s joy each time we speak with him, and we praise the Lord for his faithfulness.

If you feel led, support Paul here.

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