Wilma Grandez multiplies disciples in Peru

Wilma Grandez is one of our Peruvian partners serving in Lima, and she has been applying Community Health Evangelism (CHE) principles during COVID. When she realized how overwhelming the need in her region was, she invited 60 community leaders to meet with her weekly.

For a month and a half, she has been meeting with these leaders. They bring their children and Wilma teaches and disciples the people. Last week, they gave 60 Bibles to the students. Wilma is ministering in this way so that as these leaders begin to change and find Jesus, they will take this to their own communities. 

Wilma teaches and disciples 60 community leaders

Wilma teaches and disciples 60 community leaders

At one meeting, Wilma met a man who had been in prison. She found out he had cancer, and he shared that he did not have peace in his heart. However, since attending the meetings, he has found peace in the Lord. This man is in extreme poverty and Wilma has been able to help him. Through his testimony, he is sharing the love and word of God with others. 

Another leader from the community lost his job and was selling candies in the streets. He said he wanted to help Wilma by bringing bread to the meetings. This man also gave his heart to the Lord. Two other leaders said they wanted to help by making bags full of groceries for the meetings. 

The leaders in these meetings can identify the neediest people from their communities and help them get the resources that they need. A WhatsApp group has been created with all 60 of the leaders to keep in touch with each other. Wilma sends messages and the links to hear the Word on Sundays. 

On Saturdays, Wilma continues making lunch for the children. They can’t gather together, so they make lunch and send it to the parents so the entire home can be fed. Before they receive the food, the families receive discipleship study materials. About 80 children are being fed, and their parents are receiving God’s word!

Wilma’s ministry is facing problems in the school because many teachers have left. There are very few people working there now. 

Wilma and her family are healthy and doing well. The Lord has been speaking to Wilma through the story of Joshua. She is reminded that God’s word will never depart from you and everything you do will prosper. This has been her anchor as she continues to trust in the Lord. 

We praise the Lord how He is working through Wilma!

If you feel led, support her here.

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