Your stimulus check can help fulfill the Great Commission

Your stimulus check can help fulfill the Great Commission

If you are like many Americans, you recently received a large check from the government.

Perhaps this check was an answer to prayer for you, and we praise the Lord with you! Paying bills or rent and buying groceries and necessities is important and crucial.

But maybe you don't need all of your stimulus check to make ends meet.

If you have been reading our recent emails, you know how our international partners continue to serve through this crisis. Although they face food shortages, failing healthcare systems, and persecution, they continue to serve in the name of Jesus.

Will you give part of your stimulus check to make a lasting impact?

If you believe in the work of our partners and are financially able, we ask that you consider tithing 10% of your stimulus check - that is just $120, but every dollar makes huge difference to our partners.

Your donation will help Wilma deliver food to families in need in Peru. It will encourage Paul in South Asia as he struggles to feed the children in his care. It will allow Carlos to build houses for families living in a squat in Nicaragua. It will provide Dr. Tania with emergency medical supplies in Kurdistan. And so much more.

Will you give to help fulfill the Great Commission?

GO InterNational