Serving those who persecute him

Serving those who persecute him

If you have been following our partner updates, you may remember that our partner in South Asia has been facing persecution. As he tries to share the Word of God through social media, police have entered his home to stop him.

Last week, several police officers were standing outside his house. He began to talk with them and learned that even they and their families were out of food due to the country’s lockdown.

Matthew 5:44 says, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.”

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Feeding Indian police 1.jpg

Our partner acted on these words and invited ten police officers to share a meal together. While gathered around the table, he was able to show the love of Christ to those who have been persecuting him.

“Many times police bother us and our church services but love of God does not have boundaries,” our partner said. “It is all about Jesus and his love for all.”

Please continue to pray for the provision of food and protection for our partner.

*Name and country not specified for protection of our partner.

Thank you for your support and prayers. Your donations to our partner for food make this outreach possible!

GO InterNational