GO Make Disciples
The purpose of GO Make Disciples is to provide training to followers of Jesus in the local US church to motivate and equip them to make disciples. The tools provided have been successful in starting disciple making movements all around the world!
White-hot faith : Disciple-making movements begin with men and women who encounter the living God and surrender in loving obedience to his call.
Rapid mobilization/Decentralized leadership : Equipping ordinary followers of Jesus to lead disciple making efforts in their own context
High levels of commitment : Discipleship is about obedience, not knowledge
Contagious relationships : When movements spread rapidly, they do so through preexisting networks of relationships. Networks of relationships are the means by which a movement expands.
Adaptive methods : The most effective movements are prepared to change everything about themselves except their core beliefs.
Wholistic/Integral disciple-making : Equipping disciple-makers to minister to both the physical and spiritual needs of those around them.
Centered on the Word of God, fueled by prayer, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

For lay people and leaders alike
Roberts, Bob, et al. Movements That Change the World. InterVarsity Press, 2011.

One lesson a week for an extended period of time
Weekend seminar
Anywhere in between!
Movements that Change the World
God’s Plan – The Big Story 1,2
Great Commission and Great Commandment
Relational Evangelism
Multiplying Integral Disciple-Makers
Discovery Bible Groups
God’s Vision for Community/ What is Good Health
Comparing Relief and Development
Needs and Resources of the Community
IDDM Overview
Learning to Pray Like Jesus
Worldview and Development
Finding the Person of Peace
Gathering Information About the Community
Engaging with People Like Jesus Did
Learning Process in Integral Disciple Making
Visual Aids and Picture Books
Training Discovery Group Leaders
Discovery Group Practice
Acts of Love and Seed Projects
*Modules are adjusted according to the needs of each church*